The letter C sitting on a surfboard riding a wave

The letter C sitting on a surfboard riding a wave

A Sunny Day at the Alphabet Beach

Imagine a bright, sunny day where the alphabet comes alive! Right in the middle of the beach, the letter C is ready for an adventure. With sunglasses on and a big smile, C grabs a surfboard and paddles out into the sparkling blue ocean. It's a perfect day for surfing!

C's Amazing Surfing Skills

Once out in the water, the letter C catches a big wave and stands up on the surfboard like a pro. Balancing perfectly, C rides the wave all the way to the shore. Kids cheer and letters from A to Z clap their hands in excitement. What a surfer!

Fun Activity: Draw Your Own Surfing Alphabet

Now it's your turn! Draw your favorite letter riding a wave on a surfboard. Will it be A catching the perfect wave, or maybe Z doing a cool trick? Use your imagination and have fun creating your very own surfing alphabet scene!

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