Ariel and Flounder peeking out from behind a giant seaweed leaf

Ariel and Flounder peeking out from behind a giant seaweed leaf

The Curious Duo

Ariel and Flounder are the best of friends, always exploring the wonders of the ocean together. In this illustration, they're hiding behind a giant seaweed leaf, peeking out to see what's going on in the underwater world.

Seaweed Secrets

Seaweed leaves can grow up to 100 feet long! Can you imagine having a hiding spot that big? Ariel and Flounder are lucky to have found such a great place to sneak a peek.

Friendship Under the Sea

Ariel and Flounder's friendship is all about having fun and being curious together. They love to explore, play, and learn new things about the ocean and its creatures.

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