Jesus helping a lost sheep

Jesus helping a lost sheep

A Story of Love and Protection

In the Bible, Jesus is often referred to as the Good Shepherd. He cares for his flock, guiding them through life's challenges and protecting them from harm. Just like a shepherd searches for a lost sheep, Jesus seeks out those who are lost and alone, bringing them back to safety and comfort.

The Parable of the Lost Sheep

Jesus told a parable about a shepherd who had 100 sheep, but one wandered away. The shepherd left the 99 to search for the one that was lost. When he found it, he rejoiced and celebrated with his friends and neighbors. This story teaches us about God's love and desire to save those who are lost.

A Symbol of Hope

The image of Jesus helping a lost sheep is a powerful symbol of hope and redemption. It reminds us that no matter how lost or alone we may feel, God is always searching for us, wanting to guide us back to him.

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