Marshall giving a bath to a dirty puppy

Marshall giving a bath to a dirty puppy

A Messy Situation

Marshall, the brave fire pup from Paw Patrol, has got his paws full! He's found a dirty little puppy who needs a good scrubbing. The puppy's fur is matted and tangled, and it smells like it's been playing in the mud all day.

Bath Time Fun

Marshall knows just what to do. He gently lifts the puppy into the tub and starts washing away all the dirt and grime. The puppy squirms and squeaks, but Marshall is patient and gentle, making sure to get all the soap out of its fur.

A Clean New Friend

After a good rinse, the puppy is squeaky clean! Marshall wraps it up in a warm towel and gives it a big hug. The two become fast friends, and Marshall can't wait to go on more adventures with his new buddy by his side.

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