Peppa Pig making a collage with her favorite colors

Peppa Pig making a collage with her favorite colors

Peppa's Favorite Colors

Peppa Pig loves playing with colors! Her favorite colors are pink, blue, and yellow. She thinks they are the most wonderful colors in the whole wide world.

What is a Collage?

A collage is a special kind of art where you take different pieces of paper, glue, and other materials and stick them together to create a new picture. Peppa loves making collages because she can use all her favorite colors and make something truly unique.

Peppa's Creative Process

Peppa starts by gathering all her favorite colored papers and glue. Then, she thinks about what she wants to create. Today, she wants to make a collage of her favorite animal friends! She carefully cuts out shapes and sticks them onto a big piece of paper. Finally, she adds some glitter and voila! Her collage is complete!

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