A dragon taking a selfie with a smartphone

A dragon taking a selfie with a smartphone

A New Era of Dragon-Selfies

In a world where dragons once ruled the skies, a new trend has taken over – selfies! This fiery friend has traded in its scales for a smartphone, capturing the perfect shot to share with its dragon squad.

The Rise of Dragon Influencers

With millions of followers hanging on to its every post, this dragon has become an overnight sensation. Its Instagram feed is filled with fiery poses, dragon-sized sunglasses, and hashtags like #DragonSlaying and #FireBreathingFashion.

The Secret to a Dragon's Perfect Selfie

So, what's the secret to taking a selfie that's hot enough to melt the internet? According to our scaly friend, it's all about finding the right angle, using a little bit of fire to highlight those cheekbones, and never, ever forgetting to smile.

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