Dragon wearing a top hat and holding a cane like a gentleman

Dragon wearing a top hat and holding a cane like a gentleman

A Touch of Elegance

In a world where dragons are often depicted as fierce and intimidating creatures, it's refreshing to see one that exudes refinement and sophistication. Our dragon, resplendent in his top hat and holding a cane, is the epitome of elegance.

A Blast from the Past

The top hat and cane are unmistakable symbols of a bygone era, evoking images of Victorian gentlemen and steam-powered machines. Our dragon's adoption of these accessories adds a touch of nostalgia to his already impressive persona.

The Perfect Gentleman

Despite his fearsome reputation, our dragon is a true gentleman at heart. He opens doors for ladies, offers his seat to those in need, and always remembers his manners. Who knew that beneath those scales lay a heart of gold?

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