Rogue and Wolverine standing together, ready for action

Rogue and Wolverine standing together, ready for action

Unlikely Allies

Rogue and Wolverine may not be the most obvious duo, but when they team up, you can bet the bad guys are in for a world of hurt. With Rogue's ability to absorb powers and Wolverine's healing factor, they're an unstoppable force.

Southern Charm Meets Feral Fury

Rogue's southern belle charm clashes with Wolverine's feral intensity, but don't let that fool you - they've got each other's backs. Whether they're taking on the Brotherhood or fighting against the forces of evil, they're a team to be reckoned with.

A Bond Forged in Battle

Through thick and thin, Rogue and Wolverine have fought side by side, forging a bond that goes beyond mere friendship. They've got a deep respect for each other's strengths and weaknesses, making them a formidable team in the fight against evil.

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